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Nose and Facial Aesthetics

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You can view the before and after images of rhinoplasty performed by Kadir Yücebaş on our Instagram

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Before and After


Good communication between you and your doctor is essential and very important. At the first meeting, the surgeon will ask you what you want your nose to look like or look like; will examine the structure of your nose and face and explain the possibilities for you. The structure of your nasal bones and cartilages, the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin, your age and your expectations are the main topics of discussion. 
Your surgeon will explain the anesthesia and surgical technique he will use, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, the risks, the cost, and other options, if any. Most health insurance policies do not cover this surgery, which is purely for aesthetic purposes. However, if the surgery is performed to correct a respiratory problem or significant deformity after injury, it may be included in the insurance coverage. 
Even if it was many years ago, you should be sure to tell your surgeon about any previous nose surgery or nose treatment, if you have allergies or breathing difficulties, the medications you use, and if you smoke, you tell your surgeon. In particular, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon any questions you can think of about your expectations about the surgery and the results of the surgery. 


Your surgeon will advise you on how to prepare for surgery, including eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications, and washing your face. Fulfilling this information will help your surgery to be more comfortable. While making your preparations, don’t forget to arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery and help you out after a few days if needed. 


Aesthetic nose surgery is performed in the surgeon’s office, in a surgical center with outpatient follow-up. or in the hospital. Most of the time, it does not require hospitalization, because of the comfort and financial burden, outpatient follow-up is usually done. However, complex surgeries may require hospitalization. 


Aesthetic nose surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the size of the surgery and your and your surgeon’s preference. In local anesthesia, a light sedation is usually applied, the nose and the surrounding area are numb; You will be awake during the operation, but you will have a comfortable and painless operation. In general anesthesia, you will sleep during the operation. 


When your face is swollen and bruised in the days following surgery, it’s easy to forget that you’ll look and feel better. After plastic surgery, most patients do not feel well for a while, which is quite normal and understandable. If a group of patients is sick, they are sure that this phase will pass. Day by day, your nose will start to look more beautiful and your morale will rise. After a week or two, you will no longer look like you just had surgery. However, recovery is still a slow and gradual process. 
Some swelling, especially at the tip of the nose, will probably continue for months. The true result of rhinoplasty may not appear for a year or more. 
At first, you may get some unexpected reactions from your family or friends. They may say they don’t see a change in your nose. Or they may be a little offended, especially if you’ve changed something they see as a familial or ethnic trait. If this happens, try to remember why you decided to have this surgery in the first place. If you have achieved your goal, your surgery has also been successful. 


For the first 24 hours after your surgery, your face will feel swollen, your nose may hurt, or you may have a mild headache. You can control any discomfort with pain relievers prescribed by your surgeon. For the first day, plan to lie in bed with your head elevated, except for going to the toilet. 
You will notice that the bruising and swelling around your eyes becomes most noticeable after 2 or 3 days; Cold compress application will reduce this swelling and make you feel a little better. 
Most swelling and bruising will go away within the first week or longer (some swelling that no one but you and your surgeon will notice will remain for several months). 

During the first few days after the surgery, there is usually a very slight leakage from the nostrils, and you may feel a slight congestion in your nose for a few weeks. 
Your surgeon will ask you not to blow your nose (blow your nose) for a week or more during the healing period of the tissues. If there is a tampon in the nose, it will be removed after a few days and you will feel much more comfortable. By the end of the first or sometimes the second week, all dressings and the plaster splint on your nose will be removed. 


Most patients with rhinoplasty are up and about within two days and can return to school or work life that is not too strenuous one week after the surgery. 
However, several weeks will pass before you can fully return to your daily routine. Your surgeon will give more detailed explanations about returning to your normal life. Generally, you will be told to avoid high-impact activities (running, swimming, gymnastics, sex – any movement that will raise your blood pressure) for two to three weeks, to protect your nose from blows or bumps for 8 weeks, to avoid rubbing and sunburn. Be gentle and careful when washing your face and hair or applying make-up. 
You can wear your contact lenses when needed, but the situation is different for glasses. After removing the splint on your nose, the feet of the glasses should not sit on the back of the nose until your nose is completely healed, that is, for two months. 
Your doctor will call you for frequent checkups during one month after the surgery to check the progress in your recovery. Do not hesitate to call your doctor if you have any unusual complaints or any problems about what to do or what not to do between these check-ups.